Mudra Loan Status

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Mudra Loan Status
It is really hard to get information from banks,s especially about the mudra loan application. The bank never gives information because there is no TAT for the loan process. In this section, we will let you know how can you get your online.
To know mudra bank loan status has become a challenging task and because of the secrecy of the bank, different procedure & negative approach has become more complicated. Banks promote mudra loans online and in newspapers but the reality is different & bank branches are not interested to disburse Mudra loans.
We realize that the banks are not following the standard procedures for MUDRA loans and there is no policy & online link to track MUDRA loan application status online or offline. Banks are not much interested to provide MUDRA loans without a guarantee. They know that the MUDRA loan is a collateral-free loan and there is no need for a guarantee.
Because of several if & buts the loan is passing through the unofficial way. If you know the bank managers or pay something bank will easily provide the MUDRA Loan but if you are a common man bank will not give you a MUDRA loan and give you several procedures.
There is no established procedure to track your mudra loan application status online or offline. We are coordinating with the bank to provide a link to track the MUDRA loan application status so that people can check the status and act accordingly.